Current State of Imbalance

(aka vikruti)

 Answer the following questions based on how you have been feeling recently. Preferably, pick one answer. Your answers will be compiled automatically at the end, to determine your current state of imbalance. Follow the appropriate link to find out how to return to a balanced state.

1. How is your skin?

2. Lately, you’ve been feeling:

3. How is your elimination?

4. How is your digestion?

5. If you’re feeling any kind of pain right now, is it...

6. Are your eyes...

7. Recurring ailments:

8. How are your joints feeling?

9. Your nose and sinuses?

10. Your lips?

11. Your gums?

12. Your teeth?

13. Your hair?

14. Your appetite?

15. You’ve been eating/drinking a lot of:

16. Energy level?

17. How is your sleep?

18. How is your mind working these days?

19. How is your memory?

20. How have you been exercising lately?

Click where you have the highest number below, and find out how to balance your current state.

Vata: 0
Learn about Vata
Pitta: 0
Learn about Pitta
Kapha: 0
Learn about Kapha