Meditation for Stress-Relief on Mondays & Fridays 8:30am EST

After pondering how I could best support you, as we continue to navigate the covid-19 crisis, I have decided to offer a half-hour breathing & meditation practice, on Mondays and Fridays, 8:30-9:00am EST. Time and days are subject to change, so check my IG page and FB for latest updates.

The zoom link for Monday meditations is

Meeting ID 705-432-651

Password RELAX

The zoom link for Friday meditations is

Meeting ID 186-996-957

Password RELAX

If you log-in from your phone or tablet, you’ll need to download the app, it’s free. From your computer you do not need the app. Just click the link and you’re good to go.

Please show up 5-7 minutes before 8:30am EST.

And feel free to share with all your friends all around the world!

We will breathe, ground ourselves, and shift our internal, emotional landscape. The intention is to cultivate perspective, in order to respond calmly and creatively to external circumstances. This, by the way, is a priceless life-skill to develop, covid-19 or not.

This is a donation-based offering, open to all regardless of means. You may give whatever you feel is fair and right for you each time, whether it’s a positive thought, $1, $5 or more. Should you wish to donate, you can find me on Venmo (@Sylvie-Barthelemy), or Paypal (using my email

Be safe, be well, keep practicing physical distancing, but stay connected! xo
