Eastern Philosophy

The life-death-life continuum

The life-death-life continuum

Beyond the physical dimension, death can be perceived as a transition from one state to another, from one moment to another. We experience this kind of death every day! Indeed, each moment brings with it its unique mix of thoughts, emotions, physical sensations or sensory stimuli, but it never lasts long. And isn’t that life’s quintessential characteristic, to be in perpetual motion? We could therefore say that life is made up of moments that die as quickly as they were born…

You Won't Change. Here's Why.

You Won't Change. Here's Why.

Have you been wanting to change something about you, your mindset or lifestyle, for what seems like forever? Deep inside you know that in order to take your health and happiness to the next level you need to cut back on late-night TV, your coffee, weed or wine consumption. Perhaps you're craving mind-expanding experiences in the form of trekking, learning Spanish or how to tango, all while making new friends? You tell yourself you'll get to it soon, usually “tomorrow”. Tomorrow you'll start feeding yourself the nourishment you crave. But tomorrow never comes.