
Yoga, detox, nature : three upcoming retreats in France !

Yoga, detox, nature : three upcoming retreats in France !

I wanted to draw your attention to three retreats I am teaching in, before the end of this year, all in Provence, all at the Maison de Sens, a beautiful provençal farm house near Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. The first one, Jeûne & Quête de Sens is coming up September 12-16. Then, it will be Coaching & Naturopathie October 12-16, with a focus on stress, sleep and immunity. Lastly, December 10-13 is a short and sweet Yoga & Jeune Detox.

Taking "a deep breath" is not enough.

Taking "a deep breath" is not enough.

“Just take a deep breath…” (or three). Maybe you’ve received this advice from a well-meaning friend, teacher, or therapist, when you felt anxious. Mindful breathing is a powerful tool to regulate the nervous system and calm the mind. But in my experience it is not the most efficient approach to address acute anxiety. To understand why, let’s look at the energetic presentation of anxiety.